Hi Grand Street CSA, Below is the list of what we can expect this week from Norwich Farms: napa cabbage greens spring onion radishes dandelion lettuce fava beans squash fennel Also fruit is starting this week! We’re expecting Strawberries and Rhubarb 🙂 As always: Distribution is from 5:15PM until 8PM. Please bring bags for your share. Remember to check in again at our station for eggs, fruit or pasta — the volunteer(s) on duty there will assist you. Be sure to share this email with friends/neighbors who are coming to pick up your share this week. Any questions, just reply. If you can’t get to us during distribution time due to work schedule, vacation or just pure poor planning, feel free to ask a friend or neighbor to do your pickup for you. Please just explain to anyone you send the basics of pick up and remind them to check in under your name first. You may want to arrange this in advance or work out a plan with another CSA member for exactly these last minute snafus. But know if you don’t get to use the food is all well used; the Grand Street CSA donates all leftover produce and extras to the Our Lady of Sorrows Food Pantry who distributes it the very next morning to needy families in our neighborhood. See you Tuesday! Grand Street CSA Core