
Fall Share for New Members:

10 weeks of organic veg from Norwich Meadows Farm
Sundays @ Partybus Bakeshop, 31 Essex Street

Starts Sunday, September 1st

Add-ons: Organic eggs, local fruit*
*You must have a veg share to sign up for add-ons

Partybus Bread Share – open to everyone (no veg share necessary)
Available at https://partybusbakeshop.square.site/csa-registration


I want to sign up for Fall Share. Can I get a biweekly Fall Share?
No. Fall share is weekly only.

I have a veg share now. Do I need to sign up to get a share after Labor Day?
. Your share continues, as usual, until November 3rd.

Can I just sign up for fruit and eggs?
No..We will check new add-ons against our current member list and will confirm that you already have a veg share. Please sign up under the same name/email as your vegetable share if you decide to add fruit or eggs after completing your veg share order.

Can I get biweekly add-ons.
No, only weekly shares are available.

When do I start picking up Fall Share?
New fall shares start on September 1st

What is a Norwich Meadows Farm CSA share like?
See posts from previous Seasons

Find out more about how our CSA works by reading About Us

How much does a share cost?
VISIT our Square site to find prices, sign up, and pay by credit card.

Other Questions?
Contact us at info@grandstreetcsa.org.