La Tiendita at Essex Market Now Carries Breezy Hill

This morning I noticed Knoll Krest eggs & pasta at the La Tiendita stall in the Essex Street Market, as well as some (stored) apples from Breezy Hill Orchards. Turns out the Lower Eastside Girls Club is hooked up with Breezy Hill this year to bring some of the same good food we’re eating to more people in the neighborhood.

Not only is the Essex Street Market my favorite place to shop, but the Girls Club is a great organization with a bakery called Sweet Things on Ave. C.

When you buy from The Lower Eastside Girls Club you are doing more than consuming a cookie. Your purchase supports programs that teach inner-city girls culinary arts and business skills. Girls in the Sweet Things Company also participate in educational support and leadership training programs.

(Though, just to be fair, you should also know about the great eggs from Indian Run-Shady Maple Run available at Saxelby Cheesemongers just a few stalls down from La Tiendita at Essex Street.)

CSA Extras: Eggs and Pasta

Our fruit farmer, Elizabeth Ryan, also operates Knoll Krest Farm, where some really happy hens live, making really happy eggs. Knoll Krest hens are free-running, hormone-free, antibiotic-free (and have been for over 50 years). They are in the process of transitioning to free range.

   Full share (12 eggs/week): $80
   Half share (6 eggs/week): $40

In addition, Knoll Krest offers fresh pasta handmade using flour (white and whole wheat), eggs from their own birds, and juiced fresh local vegetables (carrot, beet, spinach, and sweet red pepper).

   Pasta share (12 oz./week): $90

Since eggs and pasta are delivered together with our fruit, those extras will have the same schedule: starting a week later than vegetables and skipping a week early on (when there’s no fruit), for 21 weeks total.