2024 Regular Season Sign up

Extended through March 10th 31st!

For local farms, March and April are the hardest months. Reserves are low and costs are soaring. (Congestion Pricing?!) Please purchase your share now, and help pay farm workers, repair equipment, and buy fuel during this tough season.

Our season runs from mid-June to the beginning of November. Start date TBD.
If you are away for the summer, check back in August when our Fall Share sign up will be open. Fall share starts right after Labor Day.

More info about how Grand Street CSA works here.

Weekly Share = $891
Biweekly Share = $445
by March 31st

Fruit and Egg Add-on shares are also open.

Visit our square site to sign up and pay via credit card (prices include processing fees):

We also offer payment through Zelle® which means you can save on credit card processing fees! To sign up and pay via Zelle®, complete this Google Form:
Grand Street CSA 2024 Summer – Pay By Zelle® Form

After, March 10th 31st, any unpaid shares may incur a late sign up charge.

Fall Share (9-10 weeks beginning in September) sign up will open mid-summer

Note: As an all-volunteer operation, Grand Street CSA relies on the work-contribution of members in order to function. Every member is expected to sign up to help unload the truck on Sunday morning at least once. We use a separate service called SignUp.com to let you pick your own shifts. A link to sign up for your unloading shift will be provided to you after we receive a confirmed start date from the farm, sometime in May.

Sample Shares: