August, 2020

Grand Street CSA – the 2020 Season is underway!
Sign up FALL SHARE: Veg Box, Fruit, Yogurt & Eggs via Norwich Meadows Farm & Partybus Bread is open! 10 weeks starting after Labor Day on September 13th.
Sign up for your farm fresh organic veggie box, fruit, eggs, bread and more:
*Fish sign up is open with a rolling start date. Flower Sign Up is open and starts August 21st.
June 14, 2020
Grand Street CSA 2020 – One Day Left!
Sign up for your farm fresh organic veggie box, fruit, eggs, bread and more:
Details below – While we still have some details left to work out, we have the essentials nailed down. There are a lot of changes this season, so please read carefully to learn what you can expect:
*Fish, Flowers, & Bread Shares can still be added after the 15th.
- 2020 Pick Up Location – Partybus Bakeshop
- Pick Up Sundays 11-5
- NO Volunteer Requirement
- Health and Safety Policies for Pick Up
- Vegetables from Norwich Meadows Farm
- Extras! (UPDATED)
- Salmon Shares are about to sell out.
Get yours now by visiting Iliamna Fish Co. - Flower Share (pick up on Friday) sign up is open!
- Salmon Shares are about to sell out.
- Price/Contactless Payment through Square
Details below:
We are relocating for the 2020 season to Partybus Bakeshop at 31 Essex Street. Our regular site, Abrons Arts Center has been closed. Though it’s possible Abrons may open by the start of the CSA season, we are temporarily moving our distribution for the 2020 season to ensure we can operate reliably and safely. We are grateful to Jacqueline, a CSA member herself, and her team, who are taking on the extra complication of CSA distribution to help us bring fresh, local food to the Lower East Side.
Our main distribution day will be SUNDAY from 11-5. See info below for Fish and Flowers pick up.
There will be NO volunteer requirement this season to minimize contact for core and the Partybus crew. Instead, our core will work with the Partybus crew to receive, organize, and run distribution. We will open up volunteer opportunities to a small number of members who are able to volunteer regularly throughout the season. Consider supporting our neighborhood by giving your time or financial support to Abrons Arts Center and its parent, Henry Street Settlement. They are working hard to address food insecurity and other COVID-19 related issues here in the Lower East Side.
Members will need to wear a mask and follow current social distancing guidance when picking up shares. Members will line up and wait outside, as Partybus allows one customer in at a time. More thorough guidelines will be shared as we get closer to the start of the season.
Our vegetable share is coming from Norwich Meadows Farm. Zaid Kurdieh and his team will be delivering pre-boxed shares to CSAs starting sometime around the 3rd week of June, weather permitting. You can learn more about Norwich Meadows Farm from their website. Please note that while several different NMF boxes are being marketed and sold, the CSA boxes are distinct. We do need to meet a minimum of 30 shares for the farm to deliver to our location without an additional delivery fee. We also may need to cap shares this season if we exceed Partybus space capacity.
We are also able to offer a wide range of add-on shares through Norwich Meadows Farm, including fruit, yogurt, eggs, grains, chicken, and ground beef. They are working with vendors throughout the region, many of which you may recognize from NYC Greenmarkets. You must purchase a vegetables share in order to purchase the add-on shares from Norwich Meadows. If you order a bi-weekly vegetable share, your add-on shares are also limited to arriving bi-weekly.
We are also offering the following extras from vendors that coordinate their own sign up and payment:
- Fulton Fish Market pick up will be on Fridays (minimum number of shares needed to have this extra)
- Lily and Leaf Flowers pick up will be on Fridays (minimum of 10 shares needed to have this extra)
- lliamna Salmon Co. offers a one-time distribution in the fall.
- Partybus Bakeshop bread shares include sourdough, baguette & mystery loaf!
Vegetables cost approx. $30/box per week in total.
22-week full share = $658
11-time biweekly half share = $329
We understand that this is more expensive than previous years, but unfortunately this year we’re facing increased labor and delivery costs. However, the price is comparable to the cost of other preboxed CSA shares this season.
Ready to sign up or check out prices? View pricing and sign up for your 2020 Share:
We are only accepting payments by credit card through Square; we will not be accepting checks this season.
April 17, 2020
Sad news:
Unfortunately, our farm Mountain View Farm has lost their other NYC sites and won’t be delivering to NYC this year. Sign ups for the 2020 season have been suspended. If you already paid for a share, you will receive a full refund. We will post another update when our core figures out how we will move forward. Stay tuned!
Lewis Waite CSA deliveries are on pause. For a shipping fee you can order from their site for delivery directly to your door.
March 19, 2020
As we all adjust to our new and constantly changing reality, we want to let you know that local farms are planning and planting, just as they have season after season. If you read Monday’s newsletter from our partner, Mountain View Farm , you know that they are going ahead with the upcoming CSA season, and so are we. They have taken additional steps to ensure food safety, and we will consult with local food and health agencies, so we can do the same on our end. We have faith that our CSA can fit into the new normal, whatever it may be, because we still need food from farms, and farms need us. If you have suggestions or questions, please contact us at