Provider Farm Beef and Veal Available

Provider Farm has lots of ground beef and steaks from their very own pasture-raised jersey cows available now for order. Jersey cow beef is higher than other breeds in monounsaturated fats (the good fats that help lower cholesterol!) Provider Farm cows are raised in the sun and fed on grass, naturally.

Use the order form below. We’ll be collecting payment during our first distribution on June 5. Beef and veal will be delivered along with our regular shares for our third distribution on June 19.

More Chances for Beef Shares this Year

If you missed our grass-fed beef sign-up this spring, you’ll have a few more chances to participate. Woodbridge Farm will be providing us with beef over the next three or four months, and you can sign up whenever you have the urge. The order form below has the details:

Grass-Fed Beef Coming on Saturday

If you ordered organic, grass-fed beef in March from Kezialain Farms then it’s on its way!

Delivery is coming this Saturday, June 12 at the Abrons Art Center at 1pm. If some people have difficulty getting there this Saturday at 1pm, Meghan can store your beef in a cooler in our cold room at Donnybrook (37 degrees). It’s not a freezer but those big cuts off beef will not defrost quickly and she will have them on ice. (Meghan may also be able to store 1 additional share in her home freezer.)

Please bring an additional $7 in cash for delivery cost. The beef packages will vary (different cuts of steak etc) and we will be giving them out on a first come first served basis.

Email Meghan if you have questions or really really can’t pick up on Saturday.

Organic Beef! First-Come, First-Served

Kezialain Farm in Westtown, NY will be offering us certified organic, 100% grassfed beef in early June. They are offering us a 20lb mixed package or a 10lb ground beef package, delivered vacuum packed and frozen. If it seems like too much for your freezer, consider sharing with a neighbor! If we are happy with the beef there can be options in the future for 40lb packs, eighths or quarters. More details are on the beef order form.

There are only 4 cows being processed this time around. Although that means 1600+ pounds of beef, we are competing with many other customers since orders will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. So, our apologies for such an immediate deadline, but after speaking to our farmer (who seems so authentic and lovely) it seemed necessary.

The form we’re linking to here needs to be 1) printed out and filled out by you 2) mailed, along with a check to Martha at Kezialain Farm by Wednesday, March 17.

For those who miss the deadline: We will touch base with Martha after the 17th and if more beef is available we will let you know.

There is a total delivery charge of $100 which will be split among everyone who orders (not to exceed $10/head). We will let you know how much that is before the delivery so we can collect the remainder at the delivery.

Please stay tuned for more information regarding FRUIT, EGG, AND CHEESE shares! We can’t wait for this season to begin!