2021 Summer Season – Open Now

CSA Registration is now closed. Check back later this summer for information about our Fall Share.

We are starting to thaw out here, and even though the farm is still covered in snow, the crew at Norwich Meadows is hard at work getting ready for the upcoming season. By sending payment now, we help our farm with a much needed infusion of funds to prepare for the coming season, invest in the land and the team that produces our food. The earlier we send our payment, the better for the farm and us!

1 Weekly Share = $731
Biweekly Share = $366
Prices valid until April 15th

Late Sign Up Prices – April 15th – May 15th
1 Weekly Share = $833.79
Biweekly Share = $417.05

Add-Ons from NMF
In order to purchase add-on shares fulfilled by Norwich Meadows Farm, you must purchase a vegetable share. This is because add-ons are a service that NMF provide to members at cost and isn’t a source of income for the farm.

2021 Add-On Shares – Available Weekly or Biweekly (See prices here)
Fruit – Various Local Producers
Eggs – Norwich Meadows
Mushrooms – Bulich Mushrooms
Yogurt – Ithaca Milk

Extras Info coming soon!

Other details:
– We will remain at Partybus Bakeshop for the 2021 Season.
– Distribution on Sundays, 9:30-5pm

Find out more about how our CSA works by reading About Us.

Early Bird Sign Up for Summer 2021 Season

So the farm is covered in snow, and so are we, but the team at Norwich Meadows is already getting ready for the upcoming season. By sending payment early, we help our farm with a much needed infusion of funds to prepare for the coming season, invest in the land and the team that produces our food. The earlier we send our payment, the better for the farm and us! Check out by February 14th to get a $50 discount on your share for 2021.

1 Share = $680 by February 14th

Cost of a share goes up to $731 starting on February 15th.

After March 10th, share prices go up again.

Other details:
– We will remain at Partybus Bakeshop for the 2021 Season.
– Day of distribution TBD

Visit Grand Street CSA’s Square Site to sign up.

Winter Share 2020 with Norwich Meadows Farm now open!

Above: Example of Veg in a Regular Share Box

Winter share boxes contain more items than typical Summer/Fall shares and can include eggs, dairy, meat, chicken, and/or a selection of value added products depending on the type of share, in addition to fresh produce grown on the farm.

Three share types are each available in a Medium or Large box: Vegan, Meat, or Lacto-Ovo. (For comparison, If you participated in our Summer or Fall Share, our veg was packed in a Small box.)

Please click this link for detailed examples of each share from the farm posted by our sister CSA, Washington Square: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HRou6zDKqfQrbxRQCNg_eghtdZUZQZzBljoh4KFuJNs/edit?usp=sharing

$570 Winter Share – Regular
$830 Winter Share – Deluxe

Crops for the winter may include things such as: Garlic, Cippolini Onion, Shallots, Scallions, Beets (Red, White, Forono, Gold, White, Badger, Chioggia), Cabbages (Caraflex, Green, Napa, Red), Carrots (Orange, Kyoto, Purple, White, Yellow), Celery Root, Parsley, Cilantro, Celery, Sunchokes, Kohlrabi, Potatoes (Red, Blue, Yukon Gold, Russet, Fingerings), Sweet Potato, Radish (Black, Watermelon, Japanese, Daikon, Green Meat, Bordeaux), Parsnips, Rutabaga, Turnips (Japanese, Hinona Kabu, Red).

Sign up by Monday, December 14th

Meet our farmer online –

Instagram         Facebook

Support Abrons Art Center and Henry Street Settlement

Our longtime home and partner, the Abrons Arts Center is currently closed but is still holding virtual classes and supporting local artists affected through direct financial support with an Artist Community Relief Fund. For more information and to contribute, visit https://www.abronsartscenter.org/

Henry Street Settlement (the parent org of Abrons) COVID-19 response team needs volunteers – Adults 18+ looking to volunteer from home or in the neighborhood. Programs include:

  1. emergency food distribution and
  2. senior check-in calls (multilingual a plus – especially Spanish and Chinese).

See details on Henry Street’s volunteer webpage where individuals can sign-up to volunteer and learn about the different ways Henry Street is responding to the current emergency.



2020 Flower Share & Dried Flower Add-on

Sign Up Now! See Details Below.

Take home a lush mixed bouquet of seasonal flowers, foliage, and aromatic herbs. Featuring mainly classic cottage garden annuals and perennials, all plants are selected with an eye for subtle colors, interesting textures and pleasing scents.  

Flowers by Lily Bruder-Zal of Vanishing Point Farm (Highland, NY) are grown using organic methods, right here in the Hudson River Valley, and freshly harvested so you can expect your bouquet to last up to a week.

2020 SHARE*

*UPDATE – Everlasting Dried Arrangement Order Deadline is Monday, October 12th

  • $120 for 8 weekly pick ups ($15/wk) starting Friday August 21st through October 9th, with the last consisting of dried flowers. 
  • Add-on (see images below) – an everlasting bouquet made from flowers picked throughout the season and carefully dried, so you can enjoy them through the winter. $15 for flower share members and $20 for everyone else. Pick up Friday, November 13th or Sunday, November 15th.
  • Pickup at Partybus Bakeshop on Fridays. 
  • The deadline to sign up is Friday August 14th. 

To reserve your flower share or ask questions, please send Lily an email, and you’ll receive confirmation within a day or two.  

Payment can be made via check, Venmo, or Chase quickpay, all associated with the email address: lilybruder@gmail.com. Checks can be made out to Vanishing Point Farm, and mailed to: 11 Austin drive, Highland, NY 12528

*We need to have a minimum of 10 orders to host this share. If the minimum isn’t met, you will receive a full refund.

Registration for the 2020 Season is open!

Find info about our shares and farm on our Shares page.

Ready to sign up?
You can purchase a 2020 share 2 ways – by credit card or with a check:

Credit Card – visit our squareup store and purchase a 2020 Vegetable Share:


Check – use the following form to submit contact info and receive mailing instructions:


Registrations will be processed when payment is received.

Payment Deadlines

All payments for the 2020 season are due by May 12, 2020.

Please understand that part of the economic mission of CSA is to support the efforts of local farmers, and a big part of that support is getting cash into the farmers’ hands during the off-season, to allow for seed purchases and farm maintenance at a time when no other income is coming in.

To that end, CSA members are required to pay for the entire season before distributions begin in June. In fact, we prefer that you pay for your entire membership right away. Since that’s not always so easy to do, installment payment plans are available. To inquire about a payment plan, please send an email to info@grandstreetcsa.org with the subject: payment plan. If payments are not received by established deadlines, membership may be subject to late fees or cancellation.

Work Requirement

Please note that there is a work requirement for this CSA. As an all-volunteer operation, Grand Street CSA relies on the work-contribution of members in order to function. We are using a separate service called SignUp.com to let you pick your own shifts. Every member is expected to sign up for a minimum number of distribution shifts during the season. The total number of required shifts (1 or 2) will be determined after the registration period has closed and is dependent on the total number of members for the coming season. Instructions for fulfilling this requirement will be provided at that time.

If you have any questions, please write to info@grandstreetcsa.org. Thanks!

Sign up for Grand Street CSA’s 2018 Summer Season

Register Now for the Grand Street CSA Summer Season

Spring is just around the corner! That means farmers are planning for the upcoming season, and it’s time to sign up for your CSA share. The registration form includes important information about our CSA – some is outlined below.

Share Information:

  • We are once again partnering with Norwich Meadows Farm of Norwich, NY. 
  • One share is generally enough for a (non-vegetarian) family of two.
  • One share costs $355 for 22 weeks. This price is contingent on receipt of payment by March 15, 2018. 
  • After March 15th, one share will cost $370. 
  • Any unpaid registrations will be cancelled if payment in full is not received by April 30, 2018.

We also have optional add-ons: fruit & eggs.


  • Norwich Meadows Farms sources the majority of our fruit share from Red Jacket Orchards of Geneva, NY. Fruit may also be sourced from other local farms.
  • Full Share: $240 (for 20 weeks)
  • Half Share: $120 (you get a full share every other week — 10 weeks total)


  • Our eggs also come from Norwich Meadows Farm.
  • Full Share: $115.50 (1 dozen every week for 22 weeks)
  • Half Share: $57.75 (1/2 dozen every week for 22 weeks)

Volunteer Requirement:

  • We are asking all members to sign up for at least 2 volunteer shifts and depending on the number of members we may increase that to 3 shifts.

Day & Location:

  • Distribution will be on Tuesdays from 5:15pm to 8 pm at the Abrons Art Center. The season begins around the second or third Tuesday in June, weather dependent.

Please email us at info@grandstreetcsa.org if you have any questions.

Register Now for the Grand Street CSA Summer Season

2018 Season Early Bird Discount

It’s still below freezing at the farm, but our farmer is already getting ready for the upcoming season. By sending payment early, we help our farm with a much needed infusion of funds. Submit payment by January 23rd to get a $25 discount on your share for 2018. Share prices and deadlines are as follows:

  • $330 if received by January 23rd
  • $355 if received between January 24th and March 15th
  • $395 if received between March 16th and April 25th

If you would like to reserve your share at the Early Bird Price, submit your email and name using the following link to receive payment instructions: https://goo.gl/forms/ZSurzHWpdTtOT9xz1


Email any questions to info@grandstreetcsa.org, and one of our core members will get back to you.

First Winter Share Pickup for 2017

Today is our first Winter Distribution for 2017!

In This Week’s Share:

For Everyone:

  • Value Added (preserved/canned items), 
  • Radicchio, 
  • Brussels Sprouts, 
  • Kohlrabi, 
  • Carrots, 
  • Potatoes, 
  • Onions, 
  • Pac Choi, 
  • Leeks, 
  • Cabbage, 
  • Husk Cherries, 
  • Lettuce, 
  • Turnips, 
  • Radishes, 
  • Winter Squash, 
  • Greens

Just for Omnivore: 

  • Eggs (1/2 doz), 
  • Yogurt (2 small), 
  • Meat

Just for Lacto-Ovo: 

  • Eggs (1 doz), 
  • Yogurt (1 large)

Just for Vegan: 

  • Pasta

Remember to pick up your extras:

  • Cider, 
  • Apples, 
  • Smoked Salmon, 
  • Fulton Fish Market Shares, 
  • and/or Lewis Waite

Farm Bridge Shares:

  • Due to truck issues there will be No Farm Bridge shares today. 
  • Distribution will be on January 23rd and March 6th. 

Also for Sale Today: 

  • Homemade Danish Rugbrød (Sourdough Rye Bread) – $6/lb

Distribution Information:

  • Distribution is from 5:15PM until 8PM at Abrons Art Center. 
  • The Next Distribution Date is January 23, 2018