Winter Share 2025 @Partybus Bakeshop – Biweekly Jan-May

Join us for 10 biweekly pickups of local, organic vegetables from Norwich Meadows Farms and local partner farms.

First pickup: Sunday, January 5th

Location: Partybus Bakeshop, 31 Essex Street

Winter Veg from Norwich Meadows Farm

Winter Vegetable Share: $316.48
Organic Eggs add-on**: $80.12

3 lbs. Local Apples add-on**: $72.40

*Prices include administrative and card processing fees charged by Square. Card processing fees are nonrefundable.
**You must have a vegetable share to sign up for add-ons.

Become a Winter Share member:
Visit our Square site to sign up and pay by credit card.

2024 fall-winter Bridge Share

3 pickups: Nov 17, Dec 1, Dec 15


Price: $101.25
VISIT our Square site to sign up and pay by credit card.

3 biweekly pickups
organic veg from Norwich Meadows Farm
Sundays @ Partybus Bakeshop, 31 Essex Street

Add-on Organic eggs*
*You must have a veg share to sign up for eggs


I have a veg share now. Do I need to sign up to get veggies through the end of 2024?
. Your final pick up is on November 3rd.

Can I just sign up for eggs?
No.. You must order a veg share to sign up for eggs.

What is a Norwich Meadows Farm CSA share like?
See posts from previous Seasons

Find out more about how our CSA works by reading About Us

Other Questions?
Contact us at



Fall Share for New Members:

10 weeks of organic veg from Norwich Meadows Farm
Sundays @ Partybus Bakeshop, 31 Essex Street

Starts Sunday, September 1st

Add-ons: Organic eggs, local fruit*
*You must have a veg share to sign up for add-ons

Partybus Bread Share – open to everyone (no veg share necessary)
Available at


I want to sign up for Fall Share. Can I get a biweekly Fall Share?
No. Fall share is weekly only.

I have a veg share now. Do I need to sign up to get a share after Labor Day?
. Your share continues, as usual, until November 3rd.

Can I just sign up for fruit and eggs?
No..We will check new add-ons against our current member list and will confirm that you already have a veg share. Please sign up under the same name/email as your vegetable share if you decide to add fruit or eggs after completing your veg share order.

Can I get biweekly add-ons.
No, only weekly shares are available.

When do I start picking up Fall Share?
New fall shares start on September 1st

What is a Norwich Meadows Farm CSA share like?
See posts from previous Seasons

Find out more about how our CSA works by reading About Us

How much does a share cost?
VISIT our Square site to find prices, sign up, and pay by credit card.

Other Questions?
Contact us at

2024 Regular Season Sign up

Extended through March 10th 31st!

For local farms, March and April are the hardest months. Reserves are low and costs are soaring. (Congestion Pricing?!) Please purchase your share now, and help pay farm workers, repair equipment, and buy fuel during this tough season.

Our season runs from mid-June to the beginning of November. Start date TBD.
If you are away for the summer, check back in August when our Fall Share sign up will be open. Fall share starts right after Labor Day.

More info about how Grand Street CSA works here.

Weekly Share = $891
Biweekly Share = $445
by March 31st

Fruit and Egg Add-on shares are also open.

Visit our square site to sign up and pay via credit card (prices include processing fees):

We also offer payment through Zelle® which means you can save on credit card processing fees! To sign up and pay via Zelle®, complete this Google Form:
Grand Street CSA 2024 Summer – Pay By Zelle® Form

After, March 10th 31st, any unpaid shares may incur a late sign up charge.

Fall Share (9-10 weeks beginning in September) sign up will open mid-summer

Note: As an all-volunteer operation, Grand Street CSA relies on the work-contribution of members in order to function. Every member is expected to sign up to help unload the truck on Sunday morning at least once. We use a separate service called to let you pick your own shifts. A link to sign up for your unloading shift will be provided to you after we receive a confirmed start date from the farm, sometime in May.

Sample Shares:

In Memoriam – Cathy Cicero – Circle C Maple

It is with heavy hearts that we dedicate this post to Cathy Cicero of Circle C Maple, who passed this season last year in October 2022. Cathy and Joe produced and delivered their maple syrup to Grand Street CSA every year, and we are so sad to say this is our first year without Circle C and a visit or delivery from Joe and Cathy since Grand Street CSA began its partnership with Circle C Maple in 2011.

Joe & Cathy’s niece Jenn wrote:

Sadly, Cathy of Circle C Maple, my Aunt, passed in late October. My family spent hours putting together photos to share at the service. They wanted me to create a Maple Syrup collage because that was one of her favorite things. See [above]. They loved the experiences they had by doing this. I will never forget Cathy sharing stories about their visits to Grand Street. They loved getting to meet everyone and share the Syrup they worked so hard to make. They were NOT city people but had the best time. It was a special thing for them to share and they were always amazed at the turn out and to see all the folks enjoy their syrup. It was a dream come true for them.

We looked forward to Joe and Cathy’s visits every year. We enjoyed everything about them – they were always so energetic and enthusiastic every time, even though navigating the city streets (we learned later on) was a very stressful thing for them. They gave away lots of tastes and taught our community all about the maple syrup they were excited to share. We put Circle C syrup in cakes, sauces, marinades, drinks, and of course, poured it over pancakes and waffles. We thank Joe, Cathy & Jenn for sharing their syrup, their family enterprise, and their piece of the Shawangunk Mountains. We’ll miss them and wish them all the best.

Do you remember Joe and Cathy visiting with us on the steps of the Art Center? Do you still have a jug of Circle C syrup in your kitchen? If you are a fan of Joe and Cathy and their maple syrup and want to share a story, photo, or message, please email them to, and we will be sure to forward them to Jenn for their family.

2023 Fish Share

Salmon by Iliamna Fish Co.
Fourth generation family-owned fishing cooperative based in Bristol Bay, Alaska on the Bering Sea.

Sign up ASAP – shares are selling fast!

The Shares – one-time fall pick up of

  • Wild Alaskan Sockeye – 12 lbs. of flash frozen fillets, portions
  • 6 packs of 3.5 ounce cans, ready-to-eat Wild Alaskan Sockeye
  • wild Alaskan cod portions, flash-frozen and vacuum-sealed.

To Order:

  • Go to:
  • Choose your share and select New York City, Lower East Side (pink) as your pick up location on the calendar – September 26th.
  • Pay in full or pay half now and half in the fall.
  • Note that pick up will at Partybus Bakeshop. You’ll receive a reminder by email.

Questions? Contact Emily: