Fall Share 2022


VISIT our Square site to learn more, sign up, and pay by credit card.

To sign up and pay via Zelle®, complete this Google Form:


Fall Share for New/Past Members:

9 weeks of organic veg from Norwich Meadows Farm
Sundays @ Partybus Bakeshop, 31 Essex Street

Starts Sunday, September 11th

Add-ons: Organic eggs, local fruit*
*You must have a veg share to sign up for add-ons


Current Members:

Add on fruit, eggs
Upgrade from biweekly to weekly (5 additional pickups)

Upgrades for current members only

Details in the FAQs below


Bread for All

Sign Up for a Fall Bread Share by Partybus:

Any questions? Contact us at info@grandstreetcsa.org.

What is a Norwich Meadows Farm CSA share like?
See posts from previous Seasons

Find out more about how our CSA works by reading About Us



For new members:

I want to sign up for Fall Share. Can I get a biweekly Fall Share?
No. New members must sign up for a 9-week share and 9 weeks of add-ons. (Select the 9-week share option; not the upgrade.)

For current members:

I have a veg share now. Do I need to sign up for fall to continue?
No. Your share continues, as usual, until November 6th.
Do NOT sign up for a Fall veg box unless you want to upgrade from biweekly to weekly OR want to receive 2 boxes of veg each pickup.

I just want to add on fruit and eggs. Do I have to sign up for another veg share?
No. Just sign up for fruit and eggs. We will check new add-ons against our current member list and will see that you already have a veg share. Please sign up under the same name/email.

I just want biweekly add-ons. Can I do that?
Yes. Just select the upgrade option for fruit or eggs.

What if I have biweekly veg and want to receive weekly veg in the fall?
Select the veg upgrade.

What if I have biweekly add-ons and want weekly?
Select the upgrade option for the add-on you already have to switch to weekly pick up.

N.B. If you are currently receiving biweekly pickups with Group 2, your 5-week upgrades will begin on September 4th. New fall shares and upgrades for Group 1 start on September 11th.

2022 Fish Share

Salmon by Iliamna Fish Co.
Fourth generation family-owned fishing cooperative based in Bristol Bay, Alaska on the Bering Sea.

The Share – one-time fall pick up of Wild Alaskan Sockeye – 12 lbs. of flash frozen fillets

Sign up ASAP – until June 3rd or when shares sell out

  • Go to: https://redsalmon.com/
  • Choose your share and select New York City, Lower East Side (orange) as your pick up location on the calendar – September 20th or October 4th.
  • Pay in full or pay half now and half in the fall.
  • Note that pick up will at Partybus Bakeshop. You’ll receive a reminder by email.

Maple Syrup from Circle C Farm

Maple Syrup shipped to the Lower East Side from our partners at Circle C Farm! 

*** Orders due by May 15, 2022. ***

How to Order:

  1. Please provide your mailing address and order to Jen at: circlecmaplefarm@gmail.com

  2. Please indicate if you would like Dark or Very Dark:
    • Half Gallon = $32
    • Quart = $19
    • Pint = $11
    • Half Pint = $7
    • 3.4 oz = $3

  3. Circle C will ship your syrup to Partybus Bakeshop and contact you with your total that includes a share of the shipping cost.

  4. How to Pay:
    Venmo: @wardjenna or
    cash app wardjenna

    Need an alternative payment method? Please email Jen and she can discuss options. 

  5. Grand Street CSA will contact you when your syrup is here are ready to pick up at Partybus Bakeshop.

Info about Maple Syrup grades:

Read about Joe & Cathy and Circle C Maple Farm on their website:

Contact Jen at circlecmaplefarm@gmail.com

Summer 2022 Early Bird Discount

Prices for 2022 remain the same as 2021!
So the farm is frozen right now, and so are we, but the team at Norwich Meadows is already getting ready for the upcoming season. By sending payment early, we help our farm with a much needed infusion of funds to prepare for the coming season, invest in the land and the team that produces our food. The earlier we send our payment, the better for the farm and us!

Check out by Friday, January 14th to get a $50 discount on your share for 2022.

Other details:
– Grand Street CSA will remain at Partybus Bakeshop for the 2022 Season
– Day of distribution TBD
– Sign up for Add-ons and Extras, such as eggs and fruit, will open in spring

1 Weekly Share = $680 by January 14th (Biweekly Share = $340)
Cost of a share goes up to $730 starting on January 15th.
After March 10th, share prices go up again.

Any questions? Contact us at info@grandstreetcsa.org.

2021 Fish Shares

Salmon by Iliamna Fish Co.
Fourth generation family-owned fishing cooperative based in Bristol Bay, Alaska on the Bering Sea.

The Share – one-time fall pick up of Wild Alaskan Sockeye – 12 lbs. of flash frozen fillets

Sign up ASAP – until June 5th or when shares sell out

  • Go to: https://redsalmon.com/
  • Chose your share and select Grand Street (pink) as your pick up location on the calendar – September 21st or October 5th.
  • Pay in full or pay half now and half in the fall.
  • Note that pick up will at Partybus Bakeshop. You’ll receive a reminder by email.

The Fish Drop by Fulton Fish Market
Downtown by the docks since 1822 and relocated to Hunts Point in the Bronx in 2005

The Share – fresh, wild-caught, and ready to cook 2-serving share of fish from US waters. Add-on options, like shrimp, clams, smoked salmon & more.

Starts on or around June 29th.

  • Go to: https://www.thefishdrop.com/grandstcsa
  • Sign up by Sunday to pick up that Tuesday.
  • Rolling sign up with week-to-week and 4-week options
  • Pick up your share at Partybus Bakeshop on Tuesday.

2021 Flower Share – Vanishing Point Farm

Sign Up Now! See Details Below.

Take home a lush mixed bouquet of seasonal flowers, foliage, and aromatic herbs. Featuring mainly classic cottage garden annuals and perennials, all plants are selected with an eye for subtle colors, interesting textures and pleasing scents.  

Flowers by Lily Bruder-Zal of Vanishing Point Farm (Highland, NY) are grown using organic methods, right here in the Hudson River Valley, and freshly harvested so you can expect your bouquet to last up to a week.

2021 SHARE*

*Share is dependent on reaching a minimum number of orders.

  • Pickup at Partybus Bakeshop on Tuesdays
  • $240 for 16 weekly pickups ($15/wk) starting Tuesday June 22nd through October 5th, with the last consisting of dried flowers. 
  • $120 for 8 weekly pick ups ($15/wk) starting Tuesday August 17th through October 5th, with the last consisting of dried flowers. 
  • Add-on (see images below) – an additional everlasting bouquet made from flowers picked throughout the season and carefully dried, so you can enjoy them through the winter. $15 for flower share members and $20 for everyone else. Delivered on Tuesday, October 5th.
  • The deadline to sign up is Monday June 14th. 

To reserve your flower share or ask questions, please send Lily an email, and you’ll receive confirmation within a day or two.  

Payment can be made via check, Venmo, or Zelle, all associated with the email address: lilybruder@gmail.com. Checks can be made out to Vanishing Point Farm, and mailed to: 11 Austin Drive, Highland, NY 12528

*We need to have a minimum of 10 orders to host this share. If the minimum isn’t met, you will receive a full refund.

2021 Summer Season – Open Now

CSA Registration is now closed. Check back later this summer for information about our Fall Share.

We are starting to thaw out here, and even though the farm is still covered in snow, the crew at Norwich Meadows is hard at work getting ready for the upcoming season. By sending payment now, we help our farm with a much needed infusion of funds to prepare for the coming season, invest in the land and the team that produces our food. The earlier we send our payment, the better for the farm and us!

1 Weekly Share = $731
Biweekly Share = $366
Prices valid until April 15th

Late Sign Up Prices – April 15th – May 15th
1 Weekly Share = $833.79
Biweekly Share = $417.05

Add-Ons from NMF
In order to purchase add-on shares fulfilled by Norwich Meadows Farm, you must purchase a vegetable share. This is because add-ons are a service that NMF provide to members at cost and isn’t a source of income for the farm.

2021 Add-On Shares – Available Weekly or Biweekly (See prices here)
Fruit – Various Local Producers
Eggs – Norwich Meadows
Mushrooms – Bulich Mushrooms
Yogurt – Ithaca Milk

Extras Info coming soon!

Other details:
– We will remain at Partybus Bakeshop for the 2021 Season.
– Distribution on Sundays, 9:30-5pm

Find out more about how our CSA works by reading About Us.