Lo-Down: Henry Street’s Workforce Development Center

The Lo-Down did a nice write-up today about the Workforce Development Center at Henry Street Settlement, our partner in providing CSA shares to low-income families.

They help applicants create resumes, practice job interview techniques, find vocational training and locate job opportunities. Over the years, they’ve built up many relationships with businesses throughout Manhattan, but especially here on the Lower East Side. The center is able to deliver quality, pre-screened applicants to a wide variety of businesses, a service time-strapped hiring managers have come to appreciate.

Read more at the Lo-Down.

Basics of Seasonal Cooking at Educational Alliance

Our neighbors at Educational Alliance have been running some food programs in conjunction with Just Food. The next one is this coming Wednesday:

Wednesday, July 21st, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Cooking with local and seasonal food is the best way to eat the freshest and most nutritious food. Local food at its peak is full of vitality, energy and nutrients. In this class, you’ll learn how to create meals centered on the bounty of locally-grown produce. Cost is $18, pre-registration is required by Monday July 19th.

For registration details, go to the Educational Alliance page for this event.

Sharelog 2010

Core member Michel Walkley has been keeping a photographic sharelog of her full CSA shares, and I wanted to make sure everyone got to see these lovely pictures of our delicious produce:

And, for the more literally-minded, I’ve been keeping a record in spreadsheet form (though somehow I missed the exact breakdown for week 3):

I thought it would be interesting for everyone to see what we’ve been eating, just over one third of the way through our CSA season.

Second Second Tuesday: Bake Sale!

On the second Tuesday of each month, we’re bringing a different event to our regular vegetable distribution at Abrons Arts Center. This week, we’ll be hosting a bake sale to benefit Share Our Strength,  a national organization working to combat childhood hunger. All proceeds from the bake sale will be going to support programs and services aimed at eliminating childhood hunger from the U.S.

Goods will be on sale from 5pm to 7pm, or until the last treat is sold.

Brings small bills ($1s and $5s) to purchase … or bigger bills to donate. (You can also donate online.)

Some, but not all, items will be organic. And we’ll have some gluten-free goodies, too.

Tell your family, co-workers, friends and foes!

Cheese 6/29

Cheeses this week, a short note from the farm – 6/29/2010

“Devons Desire” – A soft ripened cheese made from a Chaource recipe which is a French Lactic curd recipe. This cheese is similar to that of Camembert and Brie in that they have a white mold on them. Since the cheese is aged in the same room with all the other cheeses they will have a few blue mold spots on them. This is ok and safe to eat.
Since there was no cheese last week everyone will be getting “Devons Desire” as well as “Cosmic Cow”. A good week for Cheese lovers!

Marinated Asian Kale Salad

As recollected by Frank Schmidt and Nancy Lasher

Kale – Tuscan is best but any will do – washed, destemmed, and thinly shredded
2 Tbsp Toasted Sesame Oil
5 Tbsp Rice Wine Vinegar
2 Tbsp Soy Sauce (I use low sodium)
1 Tbsp Sugar (other sweeteners fine like agave)
½ Tbsp Minced Ginger
½ Tbsp Minced Garlic
Red Pepper Flakes or Sriracha
Toasted Sesame Seeds

Mix all dressing ingredients together in a jar and mix well. This can be made a day or so in advance.

One to two hours before serving, mix kale and dressing in a big bowl. Stir to coat all kale pieces. Dressing should cover all the kale and have a few tablespoons in the bottom. Stir every 10-15 minutes to make sure dressing coats and wilts the kale. Sprinkle with sesame seeds before serving. Enjoy.

Note: The flavors are all very strong in this recipe. Feel free to increase or reduce any ingredient according to taste. If it’s too strong, increase the rice wine vinegar and/or add a tablespoon or two of water to the dressing before mixing.

Garlic Scape and Almond Pesto

Makes about 1 cup

10 garlic scapes, finely chopped
1/3 to 1/2 cup finely grated Parmesan (to taste and texture)
1/3 cup slivered almonds (you could toast them lightly, if you’d like)
About 1/2 cup olive oil
Sea salt
Put the scapes, 1/3 cup of the cheese, almonds and half the olive oil in the bowl of a food processor (or use a blender or a mortar and pestle).  Whir to chop and blend all the ingredients and then add the remainder of the oil and, if you want, more cheese.  If you like the texture, stop; if you’d like it a little thinner, add some more oil.  Season with salt.
If you’re not going to use the pesto immediately, press a piece of plastic against the surface to keep it from oxidizing. The pesto can be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days or packed airtight and frozen for a couple of months, by which time tomatoes should be at their juiciest.
From In The Kitchen and On The Road with Dorie, http://doriegreenspan.com

Note: So you only got 6 scapes this week, you say? If you have a small food processor, cut the recipe in half, OR save up for next week – your scapes will keep!

Volunteer Opportunities at Our Lady of Sorrows

The food pantry where our extra greens go could use a hand!

  • Pack up extra fresh veggies from our CSA.
  • Help set-up for distribution.
  • Translate during distribution if you speak Spanish or Chinese (any dialect).

You can volunteer to set up on Monday or Wednesday mornings at 10:00 am — you must be able to lift at least 20 lbs.

Or you can help out at distribution: Mondays at 12:30 pm and Wednesdays at 1:00 pm.

The food pantry is located at Our Lady of Sorrows, 103 Pitt Street, on the corner of Stanton Street.

If you’re interested, contact us or email Nivia directly at yelverton2009@hotmail.com.

Grass-Fed Beef Coming on Saturday

If you ordered organic, grass-fed beef in March from Kezialain Farms then it’s on its way!

Delivery is coming this Saturday, June 12 at the Abrons Art Center at 1pm. If some people have difficulty getting there this Saturday at 1pm, Meghan can store your beef in a cooler in our cold room at Donnybrook (37 degrees). It’s not a freezer but those big cuts off beef will not defrost quickly and she will have them on ice. (Meghan may also be able to store 1 additional share in her home freezer.)

Please bring an additional $7 in cash for delivery cost. The beef packages will vary (different cuts of steak etc) and we will be giving them out on a first come first served basis.

Email Meghan if you have questions or really really can’t pick up on Saturday.