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Fall Share for New/Past Members:
9 weeks of organic veg from Norwich Meadows Farm
Sundays @ Partybus Bakeshop, 31 Essex Street
Starts Sunday, September 11th
Add-ons: Organic eggs, local fruit*
*You must have a veg share to sign up for add-ons
Current Members:
Add on fruit, eggs
Upgrade from biweekly to weekly (5 additional pickups)
Upgrades for current members only
Details in the FAQs below
Bread for All
Sign Up for a Fall Bread Share by Partybus:
Any questions? Contact us at
What is a Norwich Meadows Farm CSA share like?
See posts from previous Seasons
Find out more about how our CSA works by reading About Us
For new members:
I want to sign up for Fall Share. Can I get a biweekly Fall Share?
No. New members must sign up for a 9-week share and 9 weeks of add-ons. (Select the 9-week share option; not the upgrade.)
For current members:
I have a veg share now. Do I need to sign up for fall to continue?
No. Your share continues, as usual, until November 6th.
Do NOT sign up for a Fall veg box unless you want to upgrade from biweekly to weekly OR want to receive 2 boxes of veg each pickup.
I just want to add on fruit and eggs. Do I have to sign up for another veg share?
No. Just sign up for fruit and eggs. We will check new add-ons against our current member list and will see that you already have a veg share. Please sign up under the same name/email.
I just want biweekly add-ons. Can I do that?
Yes. Just select the upgrade option for fruit or eggs.
What if I have biweekly veg and want to receive weekly veg in the fall?
Select the veg upgrade.
What if I have biweekly add-ons and want weekly?
Select the upgrade option for the add-on you already have to switch to weekly pick up.
N.B. If you are currently receiving biweekly pickups with Group 2, your 5-week upgrades will begin on September 4th. New fall shares and upgrades for Group 1 start on September 11th.