Salad mix
Fresh Radishes
Hot Peppers
Green Beans (full share only)
Dear Friends,
The beautiful sunny days have given way to some very welcome rain as September unfolds before us. This rain couldn’t have come soon enough as we were watching our fields getting dustier and dustier. Our newly seeded spinach and salad greens love the rain as do our adolescent radishes and turnips. Last week, we began harvesting our spaghetti squash and now we’re waiting for sunny days to return so that we can continue the winter squash harvest. It’s looking like a good crop of squash this year and we can’t wait to get it all out of the field and safely in the barn. After the winter squash is harvested, the sweet potatoes won’t be far behind them. Sweet potatoes, like most winter squash, need to cure before they can be eaten. A freshly picked sweet potato is starchy and not sweet at all. They don’t become sweet until a few weeks of sitting in the green house after harvest. Our summer squash is really winding down and you will be seeing less and less of it in the share every week, although the peppers and eggplants continue to produce nicely.
As we move deeper and deeper towards fall, most of our attention shifts to harvesting. It is extremely satisfying to go out to the field and harvest thousands of pounds of carrots or squash. We love filling up bin after bin of spaghetti squash and bringing them home. I am finding that even better than bringing in a thousand pounds of spaghetti squash is watching that same thousand pounds of spaghetti squash walk out the door in the arms of our CSA shareholders. As much as we love the the way the share room looks the minutes before we open with all the baskets full to the brim, there is a certain beauty to the share room just after 7, with the baskets depleted and all that produce we grew finding its way into wonderful meals for our shareholders. We have a tendency to get really caught up in the production aspect of the farm. How many bins of butternut do we have? How many thousands of pounds of potatoes do we get out of a bed?It is easy to lose sight of what is really important. Those empty baskets remind us how we are able to feed people in a very real way.
This week we say good bye to one of our apprentices. Kara Lally has worked with us from the beginning of April until the end of August, spending countless hours weeding, planting and harvesting your food. She has decided to move on and though we are sad to see her go, we wish her the best in her pursuits.
On behalf of your farm crew,
Tana and LarryYour Farmers,
Max and Kerry