Grill-a-Chef at Distribution this Tuesday

I’m really excited that the core members who organize our Second Tuesday events have pulled Josh Stokes down to Grand Street this week. Josh is a chef and a friend to farmers market addicts (and CSA members) who die a little at the end of the week when they have to throw away some veggies that just didn’t make it to the plate in time.

He’s put together this project called Grill-a-Chef, which is, unbelievably, a free kitchen advice service for you and me. He’s got a great blog, with recipes and other advice. He hangs out at the Union Square Greenmarket every Wednesday morning, 9am – 12pm, just to answer questions you may have about all the good stuff for sale. He does the same thing at Chelsea Market every other Friday, 12pm – 4pm.

But he’ll also just answer any question you email to him or post on his Facebook page. And he does this all for free (at least until someone in NYC puts him on TV or something).

Anyway, as noted previously, he’ll be at our distribution on Tuesday until 7:30, and he’s ready for any question you have related to the CSA or anything else going on or blowing up in your kitchen. So come prepared!