Education Alliance is gearing up to do several joint events with Just Food, the great organization that brings CSA to NYC (and helped get us started up two years ago). The first one will be a raw cooking demonstration and tasting on February 9 with Stephanie Tourles, author of Raw Energy. See here for details.
Mulch Your Christmas Tree
NYC Parks & Recreation sponsors MulchFest 2010 — instead of throwing your tree in the trash, drag it over to Corlears Hook Park on Saturday and Sunday, January 9 and 10, between 10am and 2pm. They’ll be collecting trees to chip down for mulch throughout the city’s parks.
Update: Apparently NYC Sanitation Dep’t is collecting trees this year for mulch as well, from Jan. 4 through Jan. 15. Just leave the tree out on the curb for regular pickup, with no ornaments, stands, or bags. (There had been talk in the fall of suspending this program for budgetary reasons, but apparently it’s been restored.)
New Amsterdam Wintermarket
Blizzard? Schblizzard! The New Amsterdam Wintermarket will be open as planned: Planting the Winter Garden
Lovely, cheesy video about the White House garden getting covered for winter crops:
Pork Delivery this Saturday
Woodbridge Farm will be delivering pork shares again to the city this
coming Saturday. For those of you who missed out last time or need
another share (!) please email Dave and Julia to let them know:
The Mini Share is $150 and is roughly 17lbs of pork consisting of
bacon, sausage, ham, chops, ribs, shoulder.
Distribution will be at Roots & Vines (409 Grand St between Suffolk St
& Clinton St) from 3:30 to 6:00.
Happy Holidays!
Window Farms
Moira came across this site about Window Farms — the idea is to grow food inside your own apartment, like some urban, indoor, modern wonder of the world.
Some of you probably already grow some herbs inside, or have a potted plant or two. The problem, as with everything else in the city, is finding enough floor space for everything you want to grow. So here’s a good vertical solution.
If you register for their forum, you can download a PDF with D-I-Y instructions. (They’re also trying to put some kits together, but they don’t seem to have these available yet.)
Let us know in the comments below if you have any other innovative ways of farming indoors.
U-Pick Apple Season, Grand Opening Weekend
Below, a message from our friends and fine fruit purveyors at Breezy Hill–an invite to the Grand Opening of U-Pick Apple season, plus a discount!
This weekend, September 5th and 6th, we’re having a grand opening at Stone Ridge Orchard for the U-Pick Apple season. We want to extend a special invitation to our CSA members to join us this weekend. There will be live music (local group Rented Mule is scheduled for this first weekend), wine & cheese tasting, and local artists set up in the heart of the orchard. It’s not just this weekend, but every Saturday and Sunday 12-4 until November 1. The farm stand and U-Pick will be open seven days a week for your convenience. We offer our fresh fruit, cider, baked goods, and more at the stand.
If any CSA members come to the orchard, they’ll receive a discount on the U-Pick apples. At the moment we’re evaluating our prices, and once we set our prices, we’ll be able to give you the discounted price.
Stone Ridge Orchard is at 3012 Route 213, Stone Ridge, NY 12484. It’s about two hours north from the heart of New York City. Just jump on I-87, take exit 18 at New Paltz, and follow Main Street through New Paltz. Turn right on NY-32, then after seven miles turn left to follow Main St/Rte 213. After five miles, we’d love to have you!
The Staff at Breezy Hill
Food Pantry Volunteers Needed
Our Lady of Sorrows (OLS) is in need of volunteers for its weekly Food Pantry. Volunteers would assist with client intake, help stock shelves, and prepare and distribute food.
ADDRESS: 103 Pitt Street at Stanton
PANTRY HOURS: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10am to 3:30pm
To volunteer, please contact Nivea at chew.key @ [remove extra spaces], or call the OLS rectory at 212.673.0900.
Note: The Grand Street CSA donates our leftover vegetables to the OLS Food Pantry every week.
And the Winner Is….
We are excited to reveal the winning design for our official Grand Street CSA market tote. Congratulations to Josh Wilson for creating this kneeling farmer:
Tote bags featuring Josh’s very cool design will be available for purchase at distribution.
Thanks again to all of our talented members who submitted artwork!