Dear Grand Street CSA: The day we have all been waiting for is almost here-we open our first distribution this Tuesday, June 17th. Please see the email from Norwich below of the produce we will be getting and a few beautiful photos too! Just a few reminders: eggs (full and half-share) and pasta will be at every distribution, starting Tues. Fruit will not start yet. If you ordered fish the first pick-up is the 24th. Please bring extra bags and remember pick-up begins at 5:15PM (and not 5PM as we need time to set-up) and ends at 8PM sharp. All leftovers or shares not picked up are donated that evening to our Lady of Sorrows food panty. Volunteers for opening shift please arrive at 4:30PM. If you want to order Maple Syrup for pick-up on the 24th your order must be in on Monday (tomorrow). A prior email was sent to the entire membership with a link for ordering and the address to where your checks should be sent. If you need that info again please respond to this email. Most of the CSA Core will be in attendance throughout the entire distribution. If you are a returning member–welcome back! If you are a new member (welcome!) we want to provide some simple instructions to you on opening day so you will learn how our CSA operates. We’ll know at check-in if you are new but please just stop and introduce yourself to those of us wearing aprons! See you all Tuesday! Grand Street CSA Core Merrill
Great Guide About Shelf Life!
Hey Members,
Jenna, one of our core members passed along this great website to us. It has some great guides about how to preserve your vegetables and how to store them best. Check it out!
Village Fishmonger 5/6!
Current winter and summer members:
Village Fishmonger will be doing a drop off during our final winter share pickup on May 6th. If you’re interested in signing up for a share, please do so here.
A small share is $16.50 for a one pound fillet. A large share is $33 for a two pound fillet. You may also add oysters, clams, or scallops with any order.
Please make sure to select “Grand Street Winter Share” in the drop down menu.
Happy Fishing!
To learn more about Village Fishmonger, click here.
What’s Coming Tomorrow at Grand Street
Here is what is coming Tuesday:carrotsradishparsnipJ. Artichokesturnipsbeetsonionsgarlicpotatoesrutabagaeggsmeat sharesand some are getting water buffalo yogurt, black beans, pinta beans, and one of our value added items made from our own vegetables
What’s Coming Tomorrow
Hi everyone,
Here’s a look at what should be coming this Tuesday in our shares from Norwich:
We are looking at sending you the following next week for your dinner
tables depending on what kind of share you are getting:
for meat shares chicken sausage, ground beef, and maybe cuts of beef
and some are getting yogurt, maple syrup, beans, and one of our value
added items made from our own vegetables
It continues to be way too cold up here. I am hearing zero degrees
before the week is out. Too cold yet for greens but we have hope.
Also, we need one volunteer for Bridge Shift this week – 5:45-7:15pm.
Please let us know if you can come help out.
See you Tuesday!
Grand Street CSA Core
Monkfish Recipes
Hope everyone is enjoying their monkfish from Village Fishmonger. Stumped what to do with it? Here are some ideas:
2/11 Distribution
Next Tuesday, February 11th will be our 3rd distribution of the
winter! Below is a list of goodies the farm should be sending.
Depending on the type of share you have you might not get everything
on the list.
Carrots rainbow and orange
Potatoes red, blue, fingerling, white
Mixed Turnips
Mixed Radish
J. Artichokes
cipollini onion
red onion
white onion
Garlic Pieces
celery root
dried beans
Also, if you ordered fish from Village Fishmonger remember to pick it
up at distribution.
Summer Share Registration Open!
Hello everyone,
We may be caught between polar vortexes and impending snow storms, but
it’s time to think about SPRING! The Grand Street CSA is officially
open for registration and fresh veggies, delicious fruits, tasty
pastas and more are only a few months away.
We will once again be getting our vegetables, fruit and eggs from
Norwich Meadows Farm and our pasta from Sfoglini Pasta. The share
prices are as follows:
Vegetables: $340 for 22 weeks per share
Fruit: $240 for full share (20 weeks) and $120 for half share (10 weeks)
Eggs: $115.50 for full share (1 dozen eggs every week for 22 weeks)
and $57.75 for half share (1/2 dozen eggs every week for 22 weeks)
Pasta: $110 for 22 weeks
There is also an administrative fee of $15, and a work commitment of
at least two volunteer shifts during the season.Once you sign up, you
will receive a confirmation email with the link to sign up for your
shifts and information on how to pay for your share. You are not
confirmed until you have signed up for your shifts and have sent in
your payment!
We will have a Meet the Farmer night on February 25th at 7pm in the
Seward Park Community Room at 264 East Broadway (also known as
Building 1 at the Seward Park Co-ops).You will get a chance to hear
from our farmer, Zaid Kurdieh of Norwich Meadows Farm, about our
vegetable, fruit and egg shares and other specialty items the farm
offers and Scott Ketchum from Sfoglini Pasta will be on hand to talk
about and show off their artisanal pastas. We will also have a
representative from Milk Not Jails to talk about their dairy
offerings, and Village Fishmonger will be there to discuss the
possibility of introducing a fish share this summer. Our CSA Core will
be on hand to answer any questions you may have on our 2014 season.
If you already know you want to join, you can register today online:
Registration will close on April 1st!
If you have any questions, you can respond to this email and a Core
member will be in touch.
Grand Street CSA Core
Grand Street CSA 2013-2014 Winter Share Signup
Grand Street Will Have A Winter Share!