2017 Summer Season – Registration Open!

Hello everyone,

Grand Street CSA registration is open for the 2017 Summer season! 
Before you register, please take the time to read about the Grand Street CSA here on our website. The following pages should be most useful:

The regular price of the 22-week share is $355 this season with a payment deadline of March 15, 2017. 

Any late payments will incur a late fee that makes the price per share a total of $395 through April 15th. 

For more details, and to complete our online registration form in Google Forms.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to email us at info@grandstreetcsa.org.
Looking forward to seeing you this June!
Grand Street CSA Core

Our registration for the 2017 summer season is closed. If you would like to be informed about availability of shares for the next season or connected with a member who is interested in selling their share, please submit your contact information to our waitlist.


The Winter Share

The Winter season is significantly different from our Regular season, so please read the following information carefully.  If you are ready to register, please go to our online Registration Form.
The Winter Share keeps us supporting Norwich Meadows year round and reminds us that local food doesn’t end with the regular growing season. Shares consist of storage crops, like roots and winter greens, dry beans, and a variety of dairy and value-added products from local farmers. Produce is grown in Norwich, New York. The Winter Season is designed to send the farm crucial startup funds to cover the cost of seed, equipment, repairs, materials, etc. Our Winter pickups are from December through May (6 pick-ups). We offer three (3) types of Winter shares: Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian, Vegan Vegetarian, and Omnivore (see descriptions below). We are also offering frozen shares from The Farm Bridge (formerly Winter Sun Farms). Details below.

Pickup time:
Winter distribution, like the summer/fall this year, will be Tuesday 5:15pm-8pm at the Abrons Art Center. Pick up will continue to be outdoors except on days weather is too severe for either people or vegetables.

Winter Share will be distributed every three to six weeks for a total of 6 pick-ups*.  Frozen shares are distributed during the first 5 dates. The dates scheduled* are as follows:

    •    12/13, 1/24, 3/7, 3/28, 4/18, 5/9

*In cases of severe weather, members will be notified as soon as possible of changes in the distribution date. We have elected to bypass February distribution due to past difficulties related to severe weather and site logistics.
As during our regular season, due to lack of storage, missed pickups cannot be compensated or refunded.  Leftovers will be donated to St. Mary’s Church immediately after distribution.

Share Options:

Winter share costs $305 and includes a $5 administrative fee. All share items, including produce, added value products (e.g. granola, pickles, tomato sauce), dairy, and meat are from Norwich Meadows Farm and neighboring farms. One (1) share provides enough food for 1-3 individuals depending on your diet, goals and cooking style. Animal products have a higher production cost, so even though the three (3) share types have different weights, they are all equal in value.

The LACTO-OVO VEGETARIAN SHARE   includes produce, dairy and eggs, no meat. This share weighs about 20-25 lbs per pickup and fills approximately 2-3 regular canvas bags. 

The VEGAN VEGETARIAN SHARE  is a vegetarian share without any animal products, such as eggs, or dairy. This shareweighs about 25-30 lbs per pickup and fills approximately 2-4 regular canvas bags. 
The OMNIVORE SHARE includes produce, dairy, eggs, ground beef and chicken. This share weighs about 15-20 lbs per pickup and fills approximately 2 regular canvas bags. 

Variety:  The items in each share change on a monthly basis and are determined by what the farmer and local vendors have available. You can see what our sister CSA Washington Square CSA received over a past winter season here. A typical distribution would look something like the following:

Sample December Omnivore share:
(Lacto-ovo vegetarian share gets additional veggies and no meat)
Potatoes – 2.25 lbs     Carrots – 2.5 lbs     Garlic – 1/3 lb
Winter squash – 1      Onions – 1.5 lbs     Cabbage – 1 head
Eggs – 1 dozen          Chicken – 1/2       Cooking greens – 3/4 lb
1 Preserved product (jar of tomato puree, pickled beets, pickled peppers or pickled green tomatoes)

The Farm Bridge SHARES:
The Farm Bridge Shares partners with local sustainable farms to supply a winter share of great tasting frozen fruits and vegetables all winter long. Their goal is to deliver a superior product at a fair price for you and the farmer.
In your share, you’ll receive locally-grown frozen fruit and veggies from December to April. Some of the items you may receive include: summer corn, green beans, blueberries, kale, broccoli florets, tomato (jarred), and butternut squash puree. Many sites receive a bag of fresh pea shoots as part of the seven monthly items. This share must be purchased separately online, in addition to registering with Grand Street CSA. Sign up online at the following link: 
$142 for 5 distributions (the first five dates above)
The registration Deadline for Farm Bridge is December 1st.

EXTRAS: We are offering pasta ($30), apples ($30), and apple cider ($20) as extras. Because our vendors require a minimum purchase, availability will depend on interest. If we are unable to meet the minimum order for any of these items, you will receive a refund for any extras we are not able to purchase.

Please note: Extras are optional, but you must register for a Vegan, Lacto-Ovo, Omnivore or Frozen share in order to get extras. Payment must be received by Wednesday, November 16th.
Register HERE.

Email any questions about Winter Share to info@grandstreetcsa.org, and one of our core members will get back to you. 

Grand Street CSA Core

Maple Syrup Partnership

Make your apartment the best brunch spot in town with New York State maple syrup from Circle C Farms for your summer’s pancakes and waffles.

Place your order before June 13 for guaranteed delivery during the June 28 pickup. Joe and Cathy will also be on hand selling extra sizes. Unfortunately due to a slow sugar season, not all sizes and varieties will be on sale.

There are two varieties for sale: Amber Color & Rich Taste (formerly known as Grade A Medium Amber) and Dark Color & Robust Taste (formerly known as Grade A Dark Amber). Both are popular for all-around use. There is a limited supply of Very Dark Amber, which is ideal for cooking.

The above varieties come in the following sizes: Gallon ($62), Half Gallon ($35), Quart ($21), Pint ($13), Half Pint ($8), and 3.4 oz. ($4.50)

This Maple syrup is all natural, organically processed from a family-owned farm in NY State!
Fill out the form to guarantee a your syrup on June 28.

2016 Summer Season – Registration Open

Hello everyone,

The Grand Street CSA is open for business for the 2016 Summer season! 
Before you register, please take the time to read about the Grand Street CSA here on our website. The following pages should be most useful:

The deadline for registration and payment is April 15th. For more details, and to complete our online registration form in Google Forms.
– At this time, we are asking all members to sign up for two work shifts, but may need to increase this to three, depending on how many members sign up. We will update members once registration is closed.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to email us at info@grandstreetcsa.org.
Looking forward to seeing you this June!
Grand Street CSA Core


Great news – Winter Share is back again this year! The Winter season is significantly different from our Regular season, so please read the following information carefully. If you already know you want to sign up for a Winter Share or are seriously considering it, please think about joining our Core Group for winter and take our online questionnaire HERE to help us plan.
If you are ready to register, please go to our online Registration Form.
The Winter Share

The Winter Share keeps us supporting Norwich Meadows year round and reminds us that local food doesn’t end with the regular growing season. Shares consist of storage crops, like roots and winter greens, dry beans, and a variety of dairy and value-added products from local  farmers. Produce is grown in Norwich, New York. The Winter Season is designed to send the farm crucial startup funds to cover the cost of seed, equipment, repairs, materials, etc. Our Winter pickups are from December through May (6 pick-ups). We offer two (3) types of Winter shares: Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian, Vegan Vegetarian, and Omnivore (see descriptions below). 

Pickup time:
Winter distribution, like the summer/fall this year, will be Tuesday 5:15pm-8pm at the Abrons Art Center. Pick up will continue to be outdoors except on days weather is too severe for either people or vegetables.

Frequency: Winter Share will be distributed every three to six weeks for a total of 6 pick-ups*.  The dates scheduled* are as follows:

    •    12/15, 1/26, 3/8, 3/29, 4/19, 5/10

*In cases of severe weather, members will be notified as soon as possible of changes in the distribution date. We have elected to bypass February distribution due to past difficulties related to severe weather and site logistics.
As during our regular season, due to lack of storage, missed pickups cannot be compensated or refunded.  Leftovers will be donated to St. Mary’s Church immediately after distribution.

Share Options:

Winter share costs $305 and includes a $5 administrative fee. All share items, including produce, added value products (e.g. granola, pickles, tomato sauce), dairy, and meat are from Norwich Meadows Farm and neighboring farms. One (1) share provides enough food for 1-3 individuals depending on your diet, goals and cooking style. Animal products have a higher production cost, so even though the three (3) share types have different weights, they are all equal in value.

The LACTO-OVO VEGETARIAN SHARE   includes produce, dairy and eggs, no meat. This share weighs about 20-25 lbs per pickup and fills approximately 2-3 regular canvas bags. 

The VEGAN VEGETARIAN SHARE  is a vegetarian share without any animal products, such as eggs, or dairy. This share weighs about 25-30 lbs per pickup and fills approximately 2-4 regular canvas bags. 

The OMNIVORE SHARE includes produce, dairy, eggs, ground beef and chicken. This share weighs about 15-20 lbs per pickup and fills approximately 2 regular canvas bags. 

Variety:  The items in each share change on a monthly basis and are determined by what the farmer and local vendors have available. You can see what our sister CSA Washington Square CSA received over a past winter season here. A typical distribution would look something like the following:

Sample December Omnivore share:
(Lacto-ovo vegetarian share gets additional veggies and no meat)
Potatoes – 2.25 lbs     Carrots – 2.5 lbs     Garlic – 1/3 lb
Winter squash – 1      Onions – 1.5 lbs     Cabbage – 1 head
Eggs – 1 dozen          Chicken – 1/2       Cooking greens – 3/4 lb
1 Preserved product (jar of tomato puree, pickled beets, pickled peppers or pickled green tomatoes)

EXTRAS: We are offering pasta ($30), apples ($28), and/or apple cider ($20) as extras. Because our vendors require a minimum purchase, availability will depend on interest. If we are unable to meet the minimum order for any of these items, you will receive a refund for any extras we are not able to purchase.

Please note: Extras are optional, but you must register for a Vegan, Lacto-Ovo, or Omnivore share in order to get extras. Payment must be received by Wednesday, November 18th.
Register HERE.

CSA Smackdown 2015

Share Your Local Food Skills!

With just 30 minutes to cook in the Great CSA Smackdown, CSA members will highlight how fast and delicious our fresh, local food can be.


Just Food challenges New York City CSAs to show off their cooking talent and local food skills with the: a city-wide cooking competition for members of Just Food Network CSAs. CSA members will be pitted against each other as they prepare a delicious dish around an assortment of ingredients directly from their CSA share! With only 30 minutes to cook, competitors will need to rely on their speed, skill and creativity to make the cut. Winners will advance to the city wide final-round event to be held on November 18th at the Bell House in Brooklyn.  

Grand Street CSA will be holding its round of the Smackdown the afternoon of Sunday, October 18th at the Hester Street Fair at 1 PM. We’ll have more details soon. 

UPDATE: LES Cooks will defend their title this Saturday, October 31st at 1pm. Hope you to see you there!

Fall bounty

2015 Champs – LES Cooks
2012-13 Champs – Emo Eggplants

Check out more photos from last year’s event.

Find  more info, rules, and register to cook here!

2015 Season!

Hello everyone,

The Grand Street CSA is open for business for the 2015 Summer season! Here is a link to the registration form: http://bit.ly/1AOcgax
The deadline for signing up is April 1st!
A few things:
– We are going to have a Meet The Farmer Night with Zaid Kurdieh from Norwich Meadow Farms. It will be Sunday, March 8th at 3 pm in the Seward Park Community Room (268 East Broadway). Come and join us and get all your CSA questions answered!
– If you signed up for an Early Bird Share, disregard the amount due in the email confirmation you will receive. We will send you a second email with the adjusted amount.
– At this time, we are asking all members to sign up for two work shifts, but may need to increase this to three, depending on how many members sign up. We will updated everyone once we close registration.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to email us at info@grandstreetcsa.org.
Looking forward to seeing you March 8th!
Grand Street CSA Core

Congratulations LES Cooks!

Thank you to our contestants, judges, farmers, and guests for making our third annual CSA Smackdown as success!!

CSA Smackdown Winners Stephanie Schumm & Julie Ulmet
Just Food’s CSA Smackdown winners  Stephanie Schumm & Julie Ulmet of Grand Street CSA

Congratulations to team LES Cooks from Grand Street CSA for their winning dish, 


and a big shout-out to all ten CSAs that organized competitions across New York City. 
Check out all the amazing photos of last night’s competition and festivities, 
and look out for the winning recipe which will be posted next week.