Special Distribution — Wednesday July 5th

Distribution #4 will be on Wednesday, July 5th.

Our farmers have arranged to deliver our veggies, fruit & eggs on Wednesday next week due to Tuesday being the July 4th holiday. We’ll be in the garden behind Abrons Art Center instead of the amphitheater. Details on how exactly to find us and other updates will be be in our weekly email.

We need volunteers:
If you can volunteer next Wednesday, please sign up. We’ve added spots for July 5th to our volunteer Sign Up at http://signup.com/go/hPMnSQn

Why the 5th?
The short answer is that you can’t stop plants from growing, so our veg is getting harvested next week, no matter what.

Hear about the current state of farming from our farmer, Zaid Kurdieh, and a panel on WNYC last week.