Become a CSA Chef

Just Food is the non-profit group that helps to set up CSAs throughout NYC. Part of your membership fee ($5) goes to support their CSA in NYC program for expanding food opportunity throughout New York and supporting existing CSAs (like ours).

Their CSA Chef Program is designed to teach CSA members “how to conduct cooking demonstrations about local, seasonal eating and cooking; fruit and vegetable identification; and food storage and preparation.” Trained CSA chefs are then expected to offer cooking demonstrations at their CSA distribution sometime during the season.

There are two possible 1-day training sessions you could join, June 2 or June 9. Each session lasts from 9am to 5pm and is conveniently located at the Whole Foods on Houston and Bowery.

Each CSA is allowed to send only one member each year for training, so please email if you are interested and we can work out the details.