Hello from Provider Farm

Registration is now open for 2012 season. Click here to sign up online.

Max and Kerry send this update from the farm in Salem, CT:

Hello Grand Street CSA,

We hope winter in the city is treating you well. Things are good here on the farm. We have been taking advantage of this unusually mild winter and are getting ready for spring. We have to remind ourselves that is the end of February because these days it really feels like the end of March. We are enjoying our last bit of down time on the farm before things really kick into gear. Our greenhouse is all set up and we will be firing up the heaters next week! Onions are the first thing we start in the greenhouse and they go in March 5th. After that Kerry and I will be spending many long days starting our seedlings waiting for our apprentices to get here April 1st.

Our cows are in pretty high spirits these days. I am sure they can’t wait to get onto lush spring pastures but they seem content to munch on their hay in the barn. I am not sure if their optimism is rubbing off on us or vice versa but it seems like spring is right around the corner. We will be plowing, planting and seeding in the fields before we know it!

We really want to thank all of you for your continued support of our farm. Your share deposits are helping us purchase all the seeds, supplies and equipment we need to have the best season possible! We really couldn’t do this without you. We hope that Manhattan has been as warm as South Eastern Connecticut this February and we are counting down the days till June!

Your Farmers,

Max and Kerry

P.S. Don’t forget to check our facebook page for lots of photos and updates from the farm @ facebook.com/providerfarm