Time/Food @ Abrons Art Center is a temporary eatery open now through October 16, Thurs-Sunday 12-8 (Serving lunch from 1-3).
Grand Street CSA Members can participate in this unique event in a few different ways:
1) donate a portion of your share: drop a bunch of greens or one apple in our box going to Creative Time for the Time/Food eatery.
2) come to the exhibit for a $-free lunch and to learn more: Oct. 13-16 (Thurs-Sun), 1-3pm.
3) Volunteer to assist cooking at 52 Ludlow Street (buzzer BG): Contact Julie Brown (jeb570@nyu.edu/ 518.424.8487)
SHIFTS AVAILABLE: 10/13-10am-3pm, 10/14-10am-3pm, 10/15-10am-3pm, 10/16-10am-3pm
time/bank is a collaborative project between Anton Vidokle (head of local e-flux) and Julieta Aranda. time/bank was created to serve as a platform “where groups and individuals can pool and trade skills, bypassing money as a measure of value.” time/bank is based on the premise that everyone has something to offer to develop and sustain an alternative economy. To live out this ideology, Anton and Julieta are opening a temporary restaurant called time/food in the Lower East Side that will operate on the time/bank economic system. Artists are both creating menus and cooking, including Bik Van der Pol, Carolina Caceydos and Anton Vidokle himself!
Currently on this banking website, people post services they can offer, or things they need. By responding to these requests or offering services, you can complete a transaction and all the time you spent turns into credits. There are currently several arts organizations in NYC and Berlin that accept this time currency as money. Through the website for the NYC branch of this banking system, you can “bank time” as opposed to money.
We’re happy to have the opportunity to partner with this exciting project taking place in our community. Visit http://creativetime.org/programs/archive/2011/livingasform/schedule.htm to learn more about Time/Food and LIVING AS FORM.