Just Food’s Veggie Tip Sheets

Some of you have seen at distribution a big notebook with a page for just about every vegetable we might get during the season (and many we won’t) — from Aji dulce peppers to Yukina savoy.

The notebook has over 100 tip sheets, with advice about how to store, prep, and cook various items. They’re prepared by Just Food, the great organization that helps set up CSAs in NYC (and helped get us started in 2008).

Now Just Food’s Veggie Tip Sheets are available in their entirety in your web browser.

For example, from this week’s shares, cucumbers:

  • Cucumbers need to be stored in the refrigerator in order to retain their moisture.
  • They will keep well for up to 10 days in the refrigerator drawer if they are kept whole.
  • Once they have been cut, cucumbers will deteriorate quickly.

Also, did you know that only one gene separates a nectarine from a peach? It’s the gene that makes peaches fuzzy.

Thanks to core member Jeff Schiller for getting these digital files by correctly answering a trivia question at Just Food’s recent CSA picnic. The question: from how many states do NYC’s CSAs get their food? Answer: four. (But he’s not sure which four!)