Distribution Notes for June 7

Greetings CSA! A few announcements and reminders before our second distribution:

As everyone who has stuck around here since 2009 knows, our early summer berries are very sensitive to rain. This year, our fruit is getting a late start and will NOT yet be available for us tomorrow. What this means: fruit, egg, and pasta shares are delivered together, so none of those extras will be available tomorrow. It’s actually not as much of a tragedy as it sounds … fruit, egg, and pasta shares are priced for 21 weeks, while our vegetable and cheese shares are priced for 23 weeks. Normally, fruit starts a week later than vegetables and takes a week off around the beginning of July; it looks like this year we’ll just get started two weeks later and run straight through to the end of the season.

CHEESE, however, is available, since this comes to us from Woodbridge Farm, the same lovely people who grow our vegetables. We ask that you sign in for cheese (actually all your extras, when they start coming in) separately from your vegetables. If you’re not sure where we’re hiding your cheese, please ask.

SYRUP will be available Tuesday for those who have signed up for it. If you didn’t pay last week, please come prepared to pay this week, either with cash or a check made out to Grand Street CSA.

We have one cancellation for Tuesday’s closing shift (7:00 – 8:30). If you have not yet signed up for your work shifts, please snag this one: goo.gl/dBm3j .

And here’s a good time for a reminder to make sure your work shifts are marked down in your own personal calendars, so that you aren’t surprised by a conflict when your scheduled shift comes around.
